
Horror, poetry and more.

Creative writing is a huge passion of mine, especially poetry. I was published in Everlasting Ink, a poetry anthology by teenagers in 2019, which was published by Young Writers. The poem, titled I Know Terrible Things, is about an immigrant coming to the UK. Young Writers also published an anthology of mystery flash fiction in 2020, called Missing, in which I also was featured. The short story was titled A Policeman’s Notebook and was written in under 100 words. Too Good to Go also hosted a poetry competition in 2020, in which I came second.

However, I also love Horror and all things scary. This is a more recent development though. As a child, I was always very scared of horror films and would refuse to watch anything remotely in that genre. But now, I almost exclusively read and write horror, which for many who knew me when I was younger, is quite shocking. 

I am a UK student, currently studying Film and English Literature. I have a strong passion for writing, specifically critical essays and reviews for many different genres and texts. Throughout my life, English Literature and Film have been huge passions. I always have loved to debate the meanings of texts and films. Looking at something concrete that represents a specific image and decoding allows me and others to understand more about the world we live in and differing perspectives.

I have also worked for Unifresher, a student blog, as a volunteer writer. Writing articles from backpacking to personal statements, I worked mainly on writing listicle-esque content and advice content for students. You can see my full body of work for this organisation here. Through Unifresher, I have learnt how to write for a wide audience and SEO optimisation.

Films have always been a huge part of my life. Ever since I can remember, I've loved the film. Not only watching them but thinking about their meanings. I can remember after watching Alien for the first time and thinking about the use of colour and realising that it told a story in itself. This amazed me and opened my mind to the possibilities of film.

I went on to study film and I love the medium, as it has so much depth and scope from which you can decode many messages. It's one of the most universal mediums that exists, and many are quick to dismiss film as an art form. However, it's so powerful and can tell us so much about society, both on an ideological and historical level.